Sunday, December 23, 2007


Yes, we ARE alive and well and, just like you, we've been preparing and looking forward to Christmas! Since the last time I posted to the blog, we began the month by going out with our good friends, Sandy & Al and Jimmy and Shelley, to celebrate Sandy & Al's 38th wedding anniversary. Yes, you read that correctly...Sandy has been "putting up" with Al for a WHOLE 38 YEARS now!!! Wow...I bet Santa is going to reward her with something REALLY good this year! lol Seriously, though, we all went out for a most wonderful dinner at "Lelli's" in Auburn Hills, after which we came back to our house where we gave them their Christmas gifts. It really was an awesome evening...and, once again, Congrats to Sandy and Al!

After celebrating the big anniversary, John and I hosted a dinner party for some friends from church, as well as my brother and sister-in-law. We invited Dawn & Tim Waage and Hal & Linda Barringer over for dinner and conversation. Everyone seemed to enjoy the dinner of stuffed chicken breasts (at least, no one got sick! lol) and then we just enjoyed a lively game of, "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?"...which we sadly discovered that most of us were NOT!!!! lol

Last weekend we were so pleased to have John's daughter, Jessica, and his grandaughter, Emma come for a visit. Unfortunately, they chose the weekend of our HUGE snowstorm to drive all the way up from South Carolina! After about an 18 hour drive, they did arrive safe and sound and more than a little tired. We really enjoyed visiting with Jessica and playing with Emma (who is almost 3). I was so happy to have the opportunity to get to know both of them better, and was thrilled that I am now known as, "Grammy" to Emma! They left on Tuesday to go back home, and we're happy to say that the trip back was much quicker thanks to dry roads.

This past weekend John and I were invited to Randy & Dona Radcliff's for our annual gift exchange & dinner. We were joined by Bob & Jan Marasco, Terry Hall and Harold and Jeanette Cooper. We all were treated to a culinary masterpiece ala, Randy...a wonderful prime rib dinner...which was cooked to perfection! I think now I'm going to have to "up my game" for my next dinner party! After dinner, we enjoyed delicious desserts and then....PRESENTS!! Woo Hoo! Everyone seemed pleased with their "Christmas Bounty", but, as always, the best part was getting together with all of our friends.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and as we do every year, all of my family will be going to my brother's house to enoy dinner and gifts and just time spent together. As I get older (and hopefully, wiser) I find that those times we're able to come together with friends and family to talk, laugh, reminice and make memories, are what I treasure most in my life. So, as Christmas approaches, John and I wish for all of you blessings, love and the warmth of family and friends in the new year! We love and treasure each of you!
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Sunday, December 2, 2007


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Whew! After partying all weekend, this old lady needs a rest! What a fun weekend John & I had! On Friday night we met Sandy & Al and Jimmy & Shelley AND Mama K (Sandy's mom), Kirsten (Sandy's daughter), Debbie & Ian (Sandy's sister & nephew) and Debbie's friend, Colleen, for dinner at The Firehouse restuarant in celebration of Mama K's 89th birthday! We all enjoyed a delicious dinner (I had bbq'd ribs!). Following dinner, we proceeded to Sandy & Al's house where we continued our gluttoneous celebration with one of Shelley's most excellent birthday cakes! MMMM...MMMM...GOOD!

If you will notice in the pictures....Mama K has a black eye and her arm is in a sling. Well the reason for that is, that on Thanksgiving Day, she had a slight mishap. She filled her plate full of food and in her rush to feed her face, she tripped on the table leg, then went airborn, then fell to the floor with her face landing firmly in her mashed potatoes, corn and cranberry sauce. Her grandaughter, (seeing the cranberry sauce on her face) thought she was bleeding and became somewhat hysterical. After much confusion and trip to the emergency room...Mama K emerged doing well except for some bumps and bruises and a very sore arm. And, as you can see, she was able to enjoy her birthday celebration without incident! Way to go, Mama K....Happy 89th Birthday!!!!
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On Saturday, we took part in a fun celebration of the Christmas season with a group of friends from church (and one was my office manager AND my boss!!!) All of us (John & I, Hal & Linda, Rose & Dave and Dawn & Tim) met at Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner. Yessiree....that WAS yummy! After a great dinner and some fun conversation, we caravaned to Henry Ford Greenfield Village for their "Holiday Nights" event. On the way, it started to snow and by the time we arrived, there was probably 1/2 inch of snow on the ground. At 6:30 p.m. they let everyone inside and we walked around the Village, listened to the Christmas carolers (dressed in Victorian attire), warmed ourselves by the warming fires, we took a ride in a Model T Ford (complete with a lap blanket) and toured the houses in the Village. Everything was decorated for Christmas....but Tim was quite disappointed that he couldn't find any "Holiday Lights" (I think he misunderstood something along the way! lol) The grand finale of the evening was a beautiful fireworks display in the town square. The falling snow made it even prettier! With the snowfall, the drive home was quite pretty, but somewhat slippery. Thankfully, we all made it home safely and, thanks to all the walking and fresh air, we all slept like logs! And, yes.....we all made it to church on time on Sunday morning! What a great memory we made!