Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cabin Fever

Welcome back to our blog. It has been awhile since we have made a post, so I hope to bring you up to date on the events of the last couple of weeks (not that anything very exciting has been happening!)

As you can see from this week's pictures, we have certainly had more than enough snow! I do have to say, though, that the snow has been quite beautiful...but all the cloudy days are a little depressing and can sometimes bring on a case of cabin fever. And, as you can see from the other pictures, cabin fever can bring on the "heebie jeebies"....causing our faces to make all kinds of weird contortions! Even, Austin, my nephew was affected! But, not to worry, as all you ladies know, nothing helps cabin fever more than going shopping and buying a new top or a new pair of shoes! Oh Yeah! So, once again, all is well!

Besides shopping and making faces, we also participated in a Euchre tournament with my brother's Euchre group (I won $15 for 5th place!Woo Hoo!), we had dinner with Hal & Linda at Cathy's house, we went to the movies and saw, "Michael Clayton" (two thumbs up!) and we have been fantasizing about a trip to somewhere warm and sunny. Believe me, it hasn't helped that we have friends who are in Florida and Hawaii that keep calling and sending pictures on the camera phone to let us know how warm it is where they are! lol Well, that's OK...John and I will be glad to return the favor when we take our next "dream" vacation! So, take care, and maybe we'll do something a little more exciting for the next blog entry.
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