Sunday, November 16, 2008


After a long absence and several major events, I am back! It has been a momentous as well as stressful few months, to say the least. As most of you know, my mom and dad have each had health issues since July. Both of them were in the hospital (at different times) in July. My mom had problems with her pacemaker and my dad had a bowel obstruction.

In August, John and I, my brother's family and my grandson, Anthony, all decided to go to Cedar Point. John and I had not been to Cedar Point in years and Anthony had never been. We had a so much fun....especially seeing how much that Anthony enjoyed it. And, yes....John and I DID ride the roller coasters! Later in the month, John and attended the wedding of Chris & Casey Blust. It was a very nice wedding and it was great to see all of our friends.

My mom had back surgery at the end of August. She then spent 3 weeks in rehab before she could come home. During this time, my dad was still experiencing problems related to his diverticulitis and spent most of August and September in the nursing home for rehab. He was in and out of the hospital about 4 times between July and September. As of last week, he had been home for about 2 1/2 weeks, but unfortunately, he had to be taken back to the hospital this past Thursday. He is doing better, but has lost a lot of weight and is pretty frail. My mom is doing fairly well...but it has been hard on her back trying to take care of my dad. Greg and I have also been taking turns going over and helping with him. And John has been a life saver because he's helped by taking mom and dad to doctor's appointments and helping us with dad.

In between all of this, John and I were able to go to Disney World for six days in September. It was very hot in Orlando at that time, but we had a good time and it was a great way to celebrate our first wedding anniversary.

Hopefully, my parents will continue to improve and we hope to get through the holidays without too much difficulty. We appreciate all of your prayers and are looking forward to getting together with everyone during the Christmas holidays. We love you all!

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