Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Welcome to our blog! This is definitely the beginning of a new adventure! Both getting married (again!) AND attempting a blog! The wedding clock is ticking away....only 24 more days to go! For those of you who don't know, John and I are getting married September 14 in Las Vegas. We are counting the days and looking forward to, not only beginning our life together, but also to a well-deserved vacation. Four of our friends, Jack and Leona & Sandy and Al, as well as John's daughter, Jennifer, are coming to Vegas to share in our wedding festivities. I'm sure it will be a great trip! We will be sure to post the wedding pictures for everyone to see.

Please feel free to keep in touch by posting your comments and/or links to any blogs you may have. Hopefully, this will be fun for all of us! We look forward to hearing from you.


AndrewandJeanine said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I will be looking for the pics of the wedding! Love you, Jeanine

sydneybristow said...

So glad to see your blog; what a great idea. I look forward to seeing you guys here soon, and reading futher! Lots of love, Jennifer