Sunday, November 25, 2007


I'm sure you're probably saying to yourself,...."Self, what exactly does she mean by THAT???" Well, I'll tell you...On Thursday, we had a great Thanksgiving, Mom & Dad and Beth and her family were all here...the turkey and trimmings were deeeelish and after dinner (and the dishes)we all enjoyed playing a few table games together. But,unfortunately, I, being busy being the perfect hostess that I am (ha ha), totally forgot to take any pictures! DRAT!!! Oh well, we all enjoyed the day, the dinner and the company, so a good memory was made even without pictures.

On Friday John and I paid our respects at my good friend's sister's funeral. While it was very sad to say goodbye, it was a beautiful memorial service that reflected the love and laughter, as well as the legacy of a beautiful Christian example that she left for her family members. Friday evening we met Jack and Leona for dinner and went to the movies. We saw, "American Gangster" with Denzel Washington. It is the first time we have been to the movies in quite awhile, but I have to say, that we all thought it was a very good movie.

That brings us to Saturday, and the "Johns" part of our weekend. As all of you blog readers know, November 10 was John's birthday. OK...try and stay with me now...Well, December 4 is John, Jr.'s birthday and since we hadn't been able to celebrate John, Sr.'s birthday with John, Jr. and Jessica yet, we all went to dinner at Big Boy's where we all chowed down. Thank you, again to Jr. and Jessica for treating us to dinner. You guys are THE BEST! After dinner, we came back to our house where we had birthday cake and ice cream and presents and the big Euchre challenge. Yes, the men won 2 out of 3, but you can bet that there WILL be a rematch soon! lol

Sunday, as always, we went to church. It was a very good service and afterward we went out to lunch with our friend, Cathy. When we got home, we decided it was a perfect afternoon to paricipate in John's most favorite activity...PUTTING UP THE OUTSIDE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!!!! And that's just what we did! We had everything we needed....warm coat...CHECK! warm scarf...CHECK!...gloves....CHECK!...earmuff...CHECK!...tons of white Christmas lights...CHECK! And, then there is the all-important rake (for hooking those pesky lights up in the skinny, anemic tree in the front yard)...CHECK!!!! Amazingly, it only took about an hour and a half and there were no arguments or broken lights or brances in the tree! And we were only "half" frozen! Ah, SUCCESS!!!! Thus, you have it...."Turkeys, Johns, and Lights!"
Click to play Birthdays & Lights!
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