Sunday, March 9, 2008

Puppies and Family

Greetings! Yes, I'm back again after a long absence. Like you, John and I have just been trying to survive more cold, snowy days! I don't know about you, but I am SO DONE with winter! Spring can make her appearance any time now.

We have been keeping busy with all the usual winter activities....eating, working, eating, working, eating, renting movies, eating popcorn, etc., etc., etc. Needless to say, the diet has pretty much gone down the drain for the time being. And how is YOUR diet going?? lol

This past weekend we got together with my family at my mom and dad's house. We feasted on ribs & chicken followed by blueberry pie and cheesecake. We watched the movie, "Next". As you can see from this week's picture, we have a new family member. My brother and sister-in-law just got a new puppy that they named, Jake. He is very cute, very fluffy and very little. When I asked my nephew, Austin, why he got a dog, he told me that, "he prayed and asked God for a puppy, and God talked to his Sunday School teacher, Miss Barb, and told her that he wanted a dog, and (since she breeds dogs), she gave him a puppy! Now, if THAT isn't a "faith builder", I don't know what is! As expected, Jake was a big hit with the whole family...including Auntie Karen & Uncle John! And, "no", we will NOT be praying for a baby!!!!

Have a great week!

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