Wednesday, October 31, 2007


'Velcome to our blog....don't be afraid...we won't hurt you! Yes...Halloween 2007 is now history. I hope yours was as much fun as ours was! John and I spent the evening with John, Jr., his wife, Jessica and the two grandkids, Josh & Lexi and their dog, Jeffery (who looks exactly like my dog, Toby). We all left at about 6:00 p.m. to take the kids trick or treating and they were pretty well pooped out by 7:00. The weather was very nice, though it was a little windy, and the rain held off until 8:30 when we came back home. It has been about 3 or 4 years since I have gone out with the little ones, and John and I both had a great time. I always love to see the little kids in their cute costumes. We also got to see some "kids" who looked to be about 25! Now THAT is always scary! Anyway, it was a fun way to spend an evening...much better than watching TV.
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Monday, October 29, 2007


Since getting married, I think that I must be settling into the "nesting" mode because this is the second weekend in a row that I opted for inviting people over for dinner. Sunday was my sister-in-law, Cyndi's birthday. So I invited Cyndi, Greg and the kids and Grandma & Grandpa over for dinner, birthday cake and, of course,PRESENTS! Woo Hoo! We enjoyed a nice dinner that included pork roast, mashed potatoes, cole slaw and veggies. Everything must have been pretty good, because we certainly didn't have many leftovers! After dinner we all stuffed ourselves with German chocolate cake (Cyndi's favorite) and ice cream. Cyndi was then showered with birthday gifts....jewelery and cologne from Mom & Dad and a sweater, earrings and a set of kitchen bowls from John and I. We were also able to fit in a few games of "Apples To Apples", as well as popcorn and a movie. Yep...this family sure knows how to "party down"! Hope you enjoyed your weekend too!
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Friday, October 26, 2007


Click to play Sweetest Day
Slideshows and scrapbooks - Powered by Smilebox was YOUR Sweetest Day?? I know, I know...I'm only about a week late! But Sweetest Day at the Jarvis house was very nice. As you can see, I received some very beautiful roses from my sweetie! We had friends over for dinner in the evening, so my day was spent cleaning the house and doing the cooking. Our company arrived about 6:00 p.m. and we had a very deeeelicious dinner of bbq'd ribs (even if I do say so, myself!). After dinner we enjoyed some apple and chocolate pies and played several games of "Apples To Apples". All in all, a very enjoyable evening!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


We had yet another wild party weekend! I know, you're saying to yourself, "How do they do it...and at their age???" Well, let me tell is NOT easy! lol Actually, we had a very nice weekend. Friday night was spent with our friends, Sandy & Al and Jimmy and Shelley. We went out for a great dinner at Kruse & Muer's Restaurant in Rochester (Where, BTW, they were putting up all the Christimas lights!). After dinner, everyone came to our house for some of John's homemade apple pie & ice cream (mmmm...yummy!) while we watched "Ghost Whisperer" & "Moonlight".

On Saturday John and I went out to dinner with Sandy & Al and their daughter, Kirsten to celebrate Kirsten's birthday. Dinner was great...followed by birthday cake at Kirsten's house. Then we all watched a movie together, and Sandy even managed to stay awake for the ENTIRE movie! Amazing!

Sunday John & I went to church, after which we drove up to Ruby Tree Farm near Pt. Huron where we, once again hooked up with "the gang" (Sandy, Al, Jimmy, Shelley, Sandy's mom, sisters, son & daughter-in-law, grandkids and other extended family) and we enjoyed a beautiful fall day, ate hotdogs and apple cider, donuts and caramel apples. The little kids took a carousel ride and all of us took a spin on the tractor train. We went to the petting zoo (kind of stinky!), and took a walk on the nature trails. It was a perfect Fall weekend and I think I can speak for everyone when I say, "A good time was had by all!". Hope you enjoy the pictures!