Monday, October 29, 2007


Since getting married, I think that I must be settling into the "nesting" mode because this is the second weekend in a row that I opted for inviting people over for dinner. Sunday was my sister-in-law, Cyndi's birthday. So I invited Cyndi, Greg and the kids and Grandma & Grandpa over for dinner, birthday cake and, of course,PRESENTS! Woo Hoo! We enjoyed a nice dinner that included pork roast, mashed potatoes, cole slaw and veggies. Everything must have been pretty good, because we certainly didn't have many leftovers! After dinner we all stuffed ourselves with German chocolate cake (Cyndi's favorite) and ice cream. Cyndi was then showered with birthday gifts....jewelery and cologne from Mom & Dad and a sweater, earrings and a set of kitchen bowls from John and I. We were also able to fit in a few games of "Apples To Apples", as well as popcorn and a movie. Yep...this family sure knows how to "party down"! Hope you enjoyed your weekend too!
Click to play Happy Birthday To Cyndi!
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