Wednesday, October 31, 2007


'Velcome to our blog....don't be afraid...we won't hurt you! Yes...Halloween 2007 is now history. I hope yours was as much fun as ours was! John and I spent the evening with John, Jr., his wife, Jessica and the two grandkids, Josh & Lexi and their dog, Jeffery (who looks exactly like my dog, Toby). We all left at about 6:00 p.m. to take the kids trick or treating and they were pretty well pooped out by 7:00. The weather was very nice, though it was a little windy, and the rain held off until 8:30 when we came back home. It has been about 3 or 4 years since I have gone out with the little ones, and John and I both had a great time. I always love to see the little kids in their cute costumes. We also got to see some "kids" who looked to be about 25! Now THAT is always scary! Anyway, it was a fun way to spend an evening...much better than watching TV.
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