Sunday, November 18, 2007


Click to play Ready For Christmas
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As you can see, John and I were busy this weekend getting the house ready for the holidays. We now have the tree and a few other Christmas decorations up. Hopefully, we will finish the iniside decorating and begin putting lights up outside by this time next week. Then...the real fun begins....Christmas Shopping!!
As is the tradition in our famiy, I (we) will be hosting Thanksgiving at our house this week. My parents and Beth and her family will be here this year to have dinner with us. Greg and his family are taveling to Missouri to be with friends, so our group is a little smaller than usual. Guess that means that there will be more turkey (and rice pudding) leftovers to share! YUM! John and I wish you all a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, and we are looking forward to getting together with all of you during the holidays.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! john sr. putting light's up outside?!?! wow will that make for a good show! that's probabily his favorite thing to do at christmas. take lots of picks for us!!

love, jessica ann

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