Sunday, January 27, 2008


No.....we did NOT fall off the face of the earth! We are still here, working, living life and having fun. During our absence, I was enjoying life at the office with Dawn & Stacey, my co-workers. They are great pals and a lot of fun to work with!'

During the course of the month we celebrated Alexis'(John's granddaugher) and Beth's (my daughter) birthdays. For Lexie, we all went out to dinner at Big Boy's, then came back to our house for cake, ice cream and presents. She liked the jeans and top that we got for her, but she REALLY loved the Hannah Montana doll! For Beth's birthday, I had her and her family over for spaghetti dinner (her favorite) and, once again...cake, ice cream and presents. Beth especially loved the 2nd season Muppets DVD that we got for her. Since she loves family pictures, we also gave her a family photo album. After all the celebrating, we all enjoyed playing "Caranium Pop 5"...a great game that I would highly recommend!

This past Friday night we got together with Sandy & Al and Jimmy & Shelley and went to Mac Ray's where we enjoyed a wonderful dinner followed by the "Rat Pack" show. It was a live show by two guys who sang all of the old songs of the Rat Pack as well as some rock & roll and country songs. The entertainment was great and Shelley's special brownie mousse parfait was a wonderful finish to a delicious dinner. Saturday night John and I went to the movies with Sandy and Al to see "The Bucket List". It was a very good movie, though a little more sad than I had anticipated.

So, that's it for this week. Hope you enjoy the pictures and we look forward to the next time!
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