Monday, January 7, 2008


Finally....holidays are over and we have once again settled back into somewhat of a routine. Our holidays were all good. There was lots of food, presents, lots of food, family, lots of food, friends, and lots of FOOD! I swore that I would never need to eat again until Easter....but, of course, that resolution was short-lived! Thus, the reason for resolution #2....BEGIN THE DIET! So far, I have lost ONE WHOLE POUND! Woo Hoo! Don't laugh....just how is YOUR diet going??

Seriously, it was great to be able to spend time with so many of our family and friends through the holidays. You all helped to make them special. I apologize for not having any pictures posted. It's not that we didn't take any...we took zillions...but we had them put on a cd and haven't been able to find it!(Guess that means I should clean house!) So between that and the fact that I left our camera at my friend's (Terry) house, I guess it means that all you have is just a boring blog to read for this week. But I guess that's OK since it has been kind of a "slow news week" anyway! lol

So, I hope all of you have a good rest of the week and that you have great success with those diets! And remember, John and I would love to hear from you and to know if you read the blog or, if you DO visit our blog, and you don't find it too boring, please leave us your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the end of each entry. It is just another way that helps us feel like we're keeping in touch with everyone. So Happy New Year! We love you!

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