Thursday, May 1, 2008

Memories, Laughs & Tears

Today's blog entry is tough for me to write. But that's because we all lost a very good friend and loved one last weekend. Al Aune, our dear friend, passed away very suddenly Saturday, April 26, of a massive heart attack. Al was the best of the best...not only as a friend, but as a husband, father, grandfather and as a Christian.

Steve and I first met Al in the summer of 1969. Sandy and I had gone to school together (though we weren't acquainted with each other then), and after graduation, we both started our first job at Michigan Bell Telephone on Gratiot and 11 Mile Rd. in Roseville. She and I were both 18 years old, engaged, and finding out what 'real life' was all about. One Sunday after church, Steve and I went to the Village Inn Restaurant to have lunch and Sandy and Al happened to be there too. It was one of their favorite places to go. This is where Steve & I first met Al. He was one of the friendliest people I've ever known...he never met a stranger. In fact, whenever the six of us (Al, Sandy, John & I and Jimmy & Shelley)went out, he and Jimmy would always have a contest to see who would run into more people that they knew. Of course, Al ALWAYS won! lol

As a result of that first meeting, a friendship was begun that has lasted for almost 40 years. Al stood up for Steve at our wedding in 1970, and this past September, he was the best man for John & I at our wedding in Vegas. It was a great trip and we had a lot of fun. We could always count on a lot of laughs whenever we all got together. In fact, the six of us went out to dinner just last Friday to celebrate Sandy's birthday. Afterward, everyone came back to our house for cake and ice cream. Al thoroughly enjoyed Shelley's cakes and he always asked me to scoop him his favorite..the ice cream that was all "cow slobbery". (This was the ice cream that had started to melt and get soft around the edges) I tried to always have either the "hazelnut" flavored coffee for him or at least the hazelnut creamers...AND of course....Cheetos Cheeze Puffs!

It was such a shock when we got the news on Saturday that he was gone. I have cried every day since. Al was more than a friend....he was family. I loved him and we knew that he loved us. So today, there is a void in my heart that will always be there. I feel priviledged to have known him and was so blessed to have him as a friend. I will always miss him.

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