Monday, May 19, 2008

Grandsons, Nephews & A Brithday!

Happy Hello to everyone! What started out to be a very quiet, uneventful weekend turned out to be very busy. Saturday morning and early afternoon we just hung out at home doing a few things around the house and playing "Mario Kart" on the "Wii". Saturday evening we picked up Anthony and his half-brother, Blake and we took them to the movies to see, "Iron Man". We ate lots of popcorn and drank plenty of pop...then, of course, we had to go to "Big Boy" for dinner. We all had a pretty good time.

We started off the day on Sunday by going to church, as we always do. They had the first communion and water baptism for all of the graduates of the "Faith and Foundations" class. That is always a very special service to participate in. After church, I was we went to Max & Erma's for a late lunch...then we went to my brother's house for Douglas' 19th birthday. It doesn't seem possible that he is that old...especially since I am only 29!! It's funny how that happens! lol Well, we had cake, pie and ice cream and he opened presents and we played "Guitar Hero" and bowling on the "Wii" and then the adults played "Euchre"....which the girls WON ALL THREE GAMES!!! YEAH, BABY!!! So we had a very good weekend spent with the ones we love. Hope you had a great weekend also!

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