Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hi All!
John and I haven't had too much going on these past couple of weeks....about the most exciting thing was the storm last weekend. It scared the daylights out of me, for sure! We were getting ready to go to Metro Beach for the first concert, when it started to thunder...well,by the time I looked out the doorwall, it was pouring rain and everything was blowing...SIDEWAYS!!! Fortunately, we came out of it OK, but a lot of people in our complex had shingles missing, trees down and garage doors bent. There were also several downed power lines and power outages a few streets over from us. Needless to say, we did NOT make it to the beach...but, thankfully, everthing is now getting back to normal...whatever THAT is! lol

So, now...that brings us to this weekend, which is Father's Day, my mom's birthday, my cousin's birthday, John's grandson's birthday! Whew! If only there were THREE paydays instead of just one!!!! Anyway...I have created a couple of father's day cards that I thought everyone might enjoy they are. Hope everyone has a great FATHER'S DAY!!!!

Don't send a lame Father's Day eCard.
Try JibJab Sendables!

Don't send a lame Father's Day eCard.
Try JibJab Sendables!

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