Monday, August 27, 2007


Happy Monday to everyone! Hope you had a good weekend. Ours was THE BEST! Friday night John and I were the guests of honor at a party given by Sandy and Al and Kirsten and Scott. Karaoke was provided by Sandy's sister, Debbie; a deliciously beautiful "pre" wedding cake was made by Shelley Hein (and carefully delivered by Jimmy Hein!); and food and well wishes were all in abundance. We had a wonderful time! Thank you to everyone who was there to share in our joy.

John's daughter, Jennifer, came all the way from Montana and we were so pleased that she was able to join us for the festivities. The three of us, along with John's grandchildren, Lexi and Josh, took a day trip to Frankenmuth on Sunday. The weather was beautiful and the chicken was delicious (as always!). We were also able to incorporate a little shopping into our excursion! Sunday evening we made it back just in time to take in the last concert at Metro Beach. It was an absolutely beautiful night for it and the band was excellent. I was so happy for the opportunity to get to know Jennifer a little better. I discovered that she is quite the dancer and Karaoke singer! I had such fun and I'm looking forward to many more fun times together.

We so love and appreciate all of our family and friends. You all enrich our lives and bless our hearts beyond measure. We love you! Wedding Countdown: 18 Days!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Glad you had a great weekend. I can't wait to see PICTURES!
I miss you.
Love, Linda