Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Hello Fall! We had a pretty relaxing Labor Day weekend. We hung out at my brother's on Saturday night...playing games and eating all the junk food we could find! Sunday we went to the early church service, then just hung out at home doing laundry and other "fun" chores. Monday was the best...we drove up to Lexington, MI with my brother and sister-in-law and a couple of their friends from church. We stopped at a local park and enjoyed a day by the water, bbq'd and generally relaxed. And, of course, today is "back to work".

This week will be pretty busy for us...what with needing to take care of a lot of last minute details before we leave on our trip next week. I'll be attempting to, at least, "start" my packing. This is my least favorite part of going on a trip! Being the "high maintenance" (according to my brother!) person that I am...I never know what clothes to take...and deciding which jewelery I should pack...and then...there's the question of SHOES! Oh well, I still have several days to decide! John has to get a haircut (very important!), take all of his shirts to the cleaners (his kids know what a job THAT will be! ha!). His biggest job will be hauling my 4 year collection of change to the coin machine (it's too heavy for me). I'll let you all know how much I have managed to save for the trip. Packing my dress for the wedding is a bit of a puzzle too. Hopefully, everything will fall into place and we won't be too frazzled before we leave.

We are getting more excited each day, and for those of you who are keeping track...the WEDDING COUNTDOWN is: 10 Days!

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