Monday, September 10, 2007


Wow! I can't believe the wedding is only 4 days away! We had a great weekend. We went to a new Polish resturant with friends on Friday night, and John and I were serenaded by ELVIS!!! Well, by "Elvis Preski"!! (Get it? Polish resturant...Polish Elvis???) lol was great fun, and good food too!

Saturday was a flurry of activity. The girls that I work with gave me a little pre-wedding soire at the local Ram's Horn restaurant on Saturday morning. What a party! Believe it or not...they gave me a couple of gifts that made us all blush! I have never laughed so much. Right after the party, John and I hurried over to Toys-R-Us to buy a birthday gift for his grandson, and a baby gift for a friend's new baby. Then we rushed over to his son's house for a birthday party for his grandson, Josh. Everyone had pizza, cake, candy, and a lot fun. the time we got back home it was 7:30 p.m., and I proceeded to do the laundry so that we can get everything packed before Wednesday. Sunday was also busy, with going to church, then I had a baby shower to attend while John took care of some errands. Following all of that, we visited with my parents and then it was back home to finish the laundry! Whew! I was actually kind of glad to come back to work today....just kidding!

So between now and Thursday (when we fly to Vegas), we have tons of last minute things to take care of, and lots of decisions to make...Hmmmm..should I take the gold necklace or the silver one...Which will look better...the black heels or the silver wedges??? I'm sure all the girls can relate!

WEDDING COUNTDOWN: 4 Days...101 hours and 30 minutes!

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