Monday, September 24, 2007


It's great to be home! After a lovely wedding and a very nice vacation, it was "back to work" today. Actually, it feels good to get back in the routine. It's been a pretty normal Monday, and it seems that everyone was able to survive without me for a a week and a half....though I can't imagine how!(lol) While I was "slaving away" (just kidding) at work today, John was busy taking care of all those things that have to be changed and added and moved after you get married. I, on the other hand, won't officially be able to change my name until I request and receive a copy of the marriage license from the city of Las Vegas. Then, for the small sum of $20.00 and a postage stamp, I will officially be, "Karen Jarvis". Hopefully, it won't take too long to receive a copy of the license. Then it will be my turn to change everything! Everyone, please keep in touch...we love hearing from you!


Anonymous said...

were so happy to have you in the family now!! you and dad make a great couple. were glad the wedding went great and you survived the honeymoon! it was nice to have you over last night. hopefully we will get our new stove soon and we will have you over for dinner!
love, jess

Sandy said...

Thank you for letting us be a part of your was beautiful! What an "interesting" place Las Vegas is......Talk to you soon. Sandy