Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, at noon on Thursday we will be on our way to Vegas and about 31 hours away from walking down the aisle! Woo Hoo! Today was spent getting a pedicure and a manicure, packing and rearranging suitcases, purchasing last minute items to take along with us, and generally...just getting STRESSED OUT!!!!!!

We are both VERY excited! It doesn't seem possible that six months have passed since we first got engaged. Time certainly DOES fly when you are with the "right" person and enjoying life!

We aren't taking our computers with us, so we won't be updating the blog until we get back from our honeymoon. And I'm sure we will have plenty of pictures and stories to share. For those of you who are staying behind and have to go work everyday...our sympathies are with you! Try not to be too envious....we'll (or at least "I") will be back at the grind before you know it. We love you all....Take care....We'll see you soon!

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