Sunday, September 30, 2007


Having been home and working now for one WHOLE week (it's such a hard life!)...John and I decided to travel a little further north and see if there were any of Michigan's beautiful Fall colors to behold. So, on Saturday afternoon we went up to Pt. Huron and took the circle tour route along the coastline of Lake Huron up to Pt. Austin and then traveled over to "scenic" Saginaw, where we spent the night. As you can see, we stopped all along the way to take some beautiful pictures of the lake and of each other!(That's what newlyweds do, you know!) We slept in (8:00 a.m. for "old" newlyweds), went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then proceeded to Birch Run where we managed to spend more money than planned. The weather was soooo nice...we didn't want to come home. But, here we are, at home and ready to go back to work tomorrow. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as we did ours!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Here are some pictures from our engagement party....I know...they are a little late being posted, but that is because they were in John's camera and he just got them developed. Anyway, we just thought you might enjoy seeing them. And I promise...this is the last of the pre-wedding, wedding and post-wedding pictures...we will now try to just "get on" with our life! lol

Friday, September 28, 2007


For those of you who haven't seen are a few of our honeymoon pictures from Vegas.

Monday, September 24, 2007


It's great to be home! After a lovely wedding and a very nice vacation, it was "back to work" today. Actually, it feels good to get back in the routine. It's been a pretty normal Monday, and it seems that everyone was able to survive without me for a a week and a half....though I can't imagine how!(lol) While I was "slaving away" (just kidding) at work today, John was busy taking care of all those things that have to be changed and added and moved after you get married. I, on the other hand, won't officially be able to change my name until I request and receive a copy of the marriage license from the city of Las Vegas. Then, for the small sum of $20.00 and a postage stamp, I will officially be, "Karen Jarvis". Hopefully, it won't take too long to receive a copy of the license. Then it will be my turn to change everything! Everyone, please keep in touch...we love hearing from you!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Hi All!

Some of you have complained that you couldn't post comments on our blog. Well, since the purpose of us having it is to be able to hear from everyone and keep in touch, I have changed the settings. So give it a try....We DO want to hear from you!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


We're back home! Yes....the wedding was beautiful (at least, we thought so!)...the honeymoon was great fun (no, we didn't "hit it big"!)...and it was wonderful to have our friends and John's daughter and son-in-law there to share the big day with us. The weather was was 100 degrees when we arrived on Thursday (but it was a "dry" heat lol) and then the rest of the week it was 97-98.

We got married at 4 p.m. Las Vegas time on Friday...then we went all over the Paris hotel while the photographer took TONS of pictures. At 6:30 p.m. we all had a reservation at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant for dinner. What a perfect place for our wedding dinner! It is a 5 star restaurant...the food was out of this world...and the service was impeccable. In short, a good time was had by all!

The rest of the week was spent touring the various hotels. We did a lot of walking (I have plenty of blisters to prove it), we went to the David Copperfield show at the MGM Grand Hotel...we saw the Cirque Du Soleil (sp?) show, "O", at the Bellagio Hotel, and we took the "Dam" tour (Hoover Dam, that is). Oh, yes, we also did a lot of people watching. Las Vegas is the "best" for people watching!

It was all very special, but we are also very glad to be back home. We are now trying to get the house in order and get the rest of John's things moved here to my condo (now to be "our" condo). Life is good and we are both very happy...we haven't had any disagreements yet, so it is all good! Thank you all so much for your love and your well wishes...We hope to see you all soon, and for a free dinner, we'll be glad to bring our thousands of pictures of the wedding, along with the DVD AND all of our honeymoon pictures too! For those who don't want to cook for us, here is a sampling of the wedding pictures.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, at noon on Thursday we will be on our way to Vegas and about 31 hours away from walking down the aisle! Woo Hoo! Today was spent getting a pedicure and a manicure, packing and rearranging suitcases, purchasing last minute items to take along with us, and generally...just getting STRESSED OUT!!!!!!

We are both VERY excited! It doesn't seem possible that six months have passed since we first got engaged. Time certainly DOES fly when you are with the "right" person and enjoying life!

We aren't taking our computers with us, so we won't be updating the blog until we get back from our honeymoon. And I'm sure we will have plenty of pictures and stories to share. For those of you who are staying behind and have to go work everyday...our sympathies are with you! Try not to be too envious....we'll (or at least "I") will be back at the grind before you know it. We love you all....Take care....We'll see you soon!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Who Says Church Secretaries Don't Have Fun???

Here are a few pictures from the "pre-wedding" party at Ram's Horn.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Wow! I can't believe the wedding is only 4 days away! We had a great weekend. We went to a new Polish resturant with friends on Friday night, and John and I were serenaded by ELVIS!!! Well, by "Elvis Preski"!! (Get it? Polish resturant...Polish Elvis???) lol was great fun, and good food too!

Saturday was a flurry of activity. The girls that I work with gave me a little pre-wedding soire at the local Ram's Horn restaurant on Saturday morning. What a party! Believe it or not...they gave me a couple of gifts that made us all blush! I have never laughed so much. Right after the party, John and I hurried over to Toys-R-Us to buy a birthday gift for his grandson, and a baby gift for a friend's new baby. Then we rushed over to his son's house for a birthday party for his grandson, Josh. Everyone had pizza, cake, candy, and a lot fun. the time we got back home it was 7:30 p.m., and I proceeded to do the laundry so that we can get everything packed before Wednesday. Sunday was also busy, with going to church, then I had a baby shower to attend while John took care of some errands. Following all of that, we visited with my parents and then it was back home to finish the laundry! Whew! I was actually kind of glad to come back to work today....just kidding!

So between now and Thursday (when we fly to Vegas), we have tons of last minute things to take care of, and lots of decisions to make...Hmmmm..should I take the gold necklace or the silver one...Which will look better...the black heels or the silver wedges??? I'm sure all the girls can relate!

WEDDING COUNTDOWN: 4 Days...101 hours and 30 minutes!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Hello Fall! We had a pretty relaxing Labor Day weekend. We hung out at my brother's on Saturday night...playing games and eating all the junk food we could find! Sunday we went to the early church service, then just hung out at home doing laundry and other "fun" chores. Monday was the best...we drove up to Lexington, MI with my brother and sister-in-law and a couple of their friends from church. We stopped at a local park and enjoyed a day by the water, bbq'd and generally relaxed. And, of course, today is "back to work".

This week will be pretty busy for us...what with needing to take care of a lot of last minute details before we leave on our trip next week. I'll be attempting to, at least, "start" my packing. This is my least favorite part of going on a trip! Being the "high maintenance" (according to my brother!) person that I am...I never know what clothes to take...and deciding which jewelery I should pack...and then...there's the question of SHOES! Oh well, I still have several days to decide! John has to get a haircut (very important!), take all of his shirts to the cleaners (his kids know what a job THAT will be! ha!). His biggest job will be hauling my 4 year collection of change to the coin machine (it's too heavy for me). I'll let you all know how much I have managed to save for the trip. Packing my dress for the wedding is a bit of a puzzle too. Hopefully, everything will fall into place and we won't be too frazzled before we leave.

We are getting more excited each day, and for those of you who are keeping track...the WEDDING COUNTDOWN is: 10 Days!